F C Parkes /Sun bicycles frame numbers question

Found the thread I was looking for. Here are all the date codes for Suns and Parkes:


So yes, S is 1951/1952. Keith, looking on the internet at Parkes Lightweights, unless the owners have dated them wildly incorrectly, they did seem to have head clips well into the 50s. I agree that at the time they must have appeared very dated with this.

Thank you to all for your valued input on this topic . The list of dates from Terry on a previous thread is a great reference tool . Thanks to Jonny 69 for trawling it up.

Sun made their own cast lugs for their light motor cycles, and were trade suppliers of tandem lug sets. Its quite possible they had a stock of cast lugs which were really out of date.

By the mid 50s the cycle manufacturing was falling apart. I remember Peter Parkes coming round himself in desperation to get a few orders. In the situation there were probably plenty of retailers who could not pay even if he supplied them.
I had 50 bikes from BSA on a "pay when you sell them" basis. I can't remember how they were paid for.
It only took a couple of years for most of the major manufacturers to disappear. The recreational cyclists were fewer than you would believe, and were not noted for extravagant purchases.
