Exercising - some/a lot of advice needed- sorta bike related

The 30 Ab Challenge is by Jozic Productions. If you find it in the App Store look at the related Apps and you should find the other two.

I am a novice at these things but I would recommend it as it made me do SOMETHING - and not nothing!

So where does my Saturday lunch fit in?

Morning Mr History,

The salad looks fine, the rest causes me to drool!

On a point of order, that is two (maybe 4 pics) you have posted recently which have caused me to drool.

My issue is balancing the 'why be healthy and miserable' with the excesses of the local deli. That was last week's lunch for two.

Rest of the time is fairly ok. Food is very important for my morale. I haven't made this in a year or so so maybe I'm due.......... Gloucester Old Spot
Getting back onto the theme, I suppose if I was able to exercise appropriately, I could burn it off - a positive thought and not more drooling. Looks lovely, PayPal gift work for you?

I'm not obsessed you understand, just happened to have these pics already.



I've tried all the non specific exercise for exercise' sake and couldn't sustain it. Hence the cycling. I need a goal though such as an upcoming big ride.
Really, that is enough!!! Stick to Abba - in fact, more Abba please.

I think Neil made the point 'what do I want from any exercise'. I am pretty unfit and even a slight increase in fitness will benefit me. A larger increase, where I work for it, will have bigger benefits - I want to jump on a bike and go for a ride without having to worry about getting pounded halfway up a hill or getting too far from home and needing rescued. It will also help my squash, where I struggle for breath sometimes and I am not able to hit the right shots. With fitness comes better concentration - better concentration = better shots = winning! My current opponent is a veteran player and he is amazing for a 73 year old. He played to a high level throughout his life and reckons I will have the beating of him in 6 weeks although I have my doubts. The odd thing is that he plays a different game than me - he describes it as 'old man's squash' - it is a more precise game and does not result in long rallies and it is very difficult for me to win points!!

Enjoy your brekkie, whichever one you decide, and enjoy your lunch too. I have had my granola and am looking forward to sandwiches later today.

The one thing I suggest to everyone broaching the subject of life style change regarding exercise is to look at where you spend the bulk of your time. If you can integrate as much 'exercise' into your day to day life, whether it is cycling to work or using the stairs instead of the lift you will maintain whatever results your other efforts achieve.
Thanks HLF, but I usually maintain a sedentary position at one of 2 computers, moving between them as needs require. Cycle to work is not an option either due to numerous factors - mostly relating to arriving alive in work. I had to take a more proactive approach with the App Store to address my particular needs.

I would look at kneeling chairs, your upper body will maintain condition.

There never needs to be such a thing as sedentary, though setting things up to avoid it can be difficult.

I appreciate that you are addressing the issue more actively, but ongoing it pays to look at things holistically.

Best wishes with it. I need to take some of my own advice anyway, I am getting pretty out of shape!