If you have BT Broadband you can get WBD for £16 pm, but you have to sign in to a 24month contract. I don't think anytthing offered is going to be advert free, though. WBD and BT are bedfellows which is why there is a discount.
This monopoly has been in the making for a good few years. The wikipedia page for Eurosport gives a comprehensive timeline of what has happened.
I would like to know the reason why it is just the UK that has been shafted. Did the management at WBD all get a box set of Downton Abbey, for xmas, and think we are all minted and having a great time here. The price hike is so out of touch with reality. Everything costs more on the daily and all normal people would accept a price hike of a sensible amount. Tbh; 6.99 was pretty damn cheap for what was on offer.
They can also get in the sea with all the corporate doublespeak about how it is so much better for me that all the sports are in one place. Just tell it how it is Mr Young, at WBD. You wanted total control over how people access sport and make as much money as you possibly can from it with zero consideration for the knock-on effects of doing this, to everyone outside of WBD, and you are not doing me any favours.
We have cancelled our subs as have alot of people. Whether it will have any effect, i don't know, but maybe it will and they will come out with cheaper deals in time for the classics. I love the classics and Le Mans , but i detest adverts every 15mins. I have the mental capacity to remember adverts from the previous day, let alone 15mins ago, so i would rather go without tbh.
The constant ramming into my eyeballs of a car i am never going to buy, or a cruise on the Rhine i am never going to take is something i can do without. Does any of the advertising in the various progs actually work for the advertisers? Why arent the adverts for related stuff like French holidays, during the tour, and Belgian weekend breaks during the classics etc?! That or cycling clothing/equipment etc.
i dunno. Advertising has never had an effect on me. I decide when i need something, i draw up a list of what i want , from that something , and then i compare specs, prices, and reviews. The prettiest people in the world could mince about on a beach ,with daisies in thier hair, while caressing each other and looking lustfully at a product and my first thought is that they look ridiculous and i question the substance of the product.
I dunno. Maybe WBD know that life , for alot of people, is shite and unrewarding , in the UK , and we need what little bits of chocolate are available and they think alot of people will sign up anyway. Maybe they won't though? Maybe WBD can afford to loose the UK market? Who knows?