Eroica Britannia 2016 - anyone signed up?

Maca":15n8w1qq said:
Oh and has any body heard about what looked like a rider who had had a serious off towards the end ?

When we came to the end around 3.30ish there was an ambulance at the bottom of the last road decent and what appeared to be a cyclist laid out trying to be resuscitated.

Saw that too. Don't know what happened. Saw another ambulance comming up at another descent earlier. Anyone heard of any serious injuries?
Re: Re:

ian.r.mcdonald":2a48liol said:
i have attended both of the previous Eroica and have been a keen supporter. After my visit yesterday i was so dissapointed that i have decided not to ride today, goodbye £60!. ok it has rained but parking was a joke with at least three full on arguments going on whilst we paddled our way to the show,lucky to get out. we then discovered that our pre booked tickets had to be verified before entry, overall an hour of queing whilst cash buyers got in faster. once in the field it was clear that lifestyle was the focus more than cycling. finally with 2 thousand ish riding last year, their claim of 4500 riders on the same courses decided me that keeping out of the crashes would be good. will ride the staffs lanes, for free a shame as a great event goes bad

Well, I suppose there could be several people who would say - 'told you so!'. But the weather is something that no organiser can control and I feel sorry for those who had to endure it.

However, if you want an alternative, look here -
