ein? Adroit Face washing.ein?

if you live in germany or somewhere else in europe: please don't cross my way with a polished adroit...!

I can only shake my head and say : what a crappy a***ole!

there are so many paintjobs in awful conditions and you destroy such a beauty...

I can't understand...
I know I am going to show my Klein ignorance here, but didn't Adroits have some of their tubes wrapped in Boron for strength? Doesn't that mean that rather than having a nice polished frame you'll end up with a polished and brown boron wrapped frame, or worse by removing the boron you'll have no frame at all?

My Klein knowledge is very poor so please, someone, tell me that I am wrong....
one shot for every inch of lacking paint....

but anyway, I think carsten knows best :)
I guess it's a late adroit with the thinner downtube, so there would be no boron on the frame...

and I hope he has only the frame cause lots of people looking for the painted to match rigid-strata fork...

baah... when I see those pictures I only feel lots of hate... everyone who has ever seen a mc2paintjob shining in the sun must feel the same... if not,he has got no heart....

-it's unavoidable
it just happens
-what happens?
-when you grow up, your heart dies....
Oldschooler said:
baah... when I see those pictures I only feel lots of hate... everyone who has ever seen a mc2paintjob shining in the sun must feel the same... if not,he has got no heart....


lol calm down chap it is HIS bike after all
polished klEIN could look cool if you ask me :cool:
esp if he has the (i think) mc1 bar stem combo to match

Señor Estrellita:
Está Vd muy mal del encéfalo.
Esperemos que le quede bien.
He dicho, I Said EIN?

PS: i'm the owner of the adroit frame.

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