Ebay Madness No. 2761

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Learning to share!

[/quote] really? didn't know that... i like you guys but you made a deal in hell: in order to survive you let others profit by inflating vintage parts on ebay.
ridinga vintage bike was a sign of excentricity and being alternative to consummerism ... till some time ago. it's becoming high market and a sign of wealth. it's killing what i see as the best side of vintage collecting...
not that you guys are tyhe sole responsible for that. it's way bigger than one website but .... think about it: it's turning vintage into snobbery.[/quote]

Snobbery or exclusivity existed in your 'good old days' of a few years ago when it was harder to get parts than it is now on Ebay. Your choices then, which you say were driven by wanting to be seen as 'eccentric' and 'anti-consumerist' are still motivated by you wanting to be different - as expressed by your choice of bicycles - that's as good a definition as we need for 'snobbery' and 'exclusivity', n'est pas?

There may be a return of snobbery or exclusivity repeating itself now with the very visual trade in top end Klein's and Fat's - but they were a premium brand first time around so their revivalist customers' outlook and wallet size hasn't really changed in profile, has it??

I admit that Ebay has made my hobby come alive and although I personally regret having to compete and pull out of purchases because of the increased competition (price) more often than not these days, it does make me feel that our 'family' of vintage and/or retrobike enthusiasts is growing - that's got to be a good thing, no?

We have to keep our innate Western desire to be perceived to be 'exclusive' and 'individual' in check if we want to be able to genuinely share our enthusiasms and not just pay lip service - we cannot have it both ways! If that means greater access to vital parts to help restore all kinds of bikes then that is a very good thing in my book - one might even call it 'recycling'! Yes, the Klein's and Fat's may go back to the 'top' of the financial pile once more, but so what? They were never the most interesting brands the first time around... ;-)

The fact that Retrobike is running through Ebay activity should be seen as a positive - even if you don't like what Ebay stands for in the capiltalist scheme of things. If you can see it in your heart to share, then there is credit to be given for the global access it now gives and a warm and fuzzy spirit to be taken from the independence of millions of sellers as they trade (on the whole) with an honesty that gives me a bit of faith. If certain sellers are now exploiting their stash of parts then that's down to economic laws of supply and demand - you want exclusivity you're ultimately always going to have to pay for it over time.

I feel sure that you're smart enough to be able to stay ahead of the late adopters who are now paying the big bucks for the big brands anyway and if you are still unable to share your enthusiasm, you can always reminisce about the good old days!

Mr K
You guys are all making valid points, I can see how all sites that bring to attention certain brands etc will drive up the prices on e-bay but I think that would have happened anyway..

The thing about Retrobike and I think this is true in 90% od cases, our members would rather sell through the site to another member than go through ebay. if it doesn't sell on here then it normally ends up on ebay but just check out how generous people are on the wanted forum.

You post a wanted item and 6/10 times I reckon you get a positive result. All those bits that you may have never seen appear on ebay as a so called 'newbie' to the retro world had it stashed in his garage..

i for one have just sold a Spin wheel for £40 which I was told would have gone for 3X the amount on ebay but thats not the point is it, for me anyhow...

I can't think of anyone on this site getting rich off ebay profits, the guys raising prices on their stuff might be doing so because of Retrobike or MTBR, we don't know for sure, but I think the positives outweigh the negatives...

i can give examples from both Retrobike and VRC when someone has sent me a valuable item (in ebay terms) for nothing but good karma..and I reckon that goes for most of us on this site..

Long live Retrobike and long live VRC...

As an aside, I don't own a Fat or a Klein and as such all my Retrobikes have been bargains IMHO...

Ride on
purplewicked":3m9takqk said:
prices have raised substantially in the last 6mo. i wouldn't say it's retrobike who is behind this inflation... i am not that paranoid but you can't say you are not part of the problem when you have a forum built specifically to ou items and make it easy to find them.
yeah.. i like the cheap, light, strong part of vintage retro. is it wrong under your taste or ethics? not in mine.
ultra expensive vintage is lame in my book. it shouts "Fashion Victim".... i see a lot of people choosing vintage bikes in this mode. it's lame. they have no clue.
i also like the part of riding something that's highly effective but only a small clique knows about it. it feels good. when it comes to people, the smaller the number.. the better it feels. i don't like crowds thank you very much. i rather be on the side of loads of rubish.

Are these really your views or are you just trolling?

So what we have a forums where people can list items on ebay, maarktplaats etc?

Ultra expensive vintage? Sure, some stuff goes for top dollar BUT look at the prices of new stuff. I ride with people with top end road kit which probably cost more than all of mine and your retro bikes. Compare vintage collecting to other past times it's still cheap - ever had an interest in cars?
People with expensive Kleins are lame are they? No clue you say? Right you are, nice narrow view.

If you don't like the crowds, again you know where to go :LOL:
lets get back to business:
http://cgi.ebay.at/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie ... :IT&ih=001
are these graftons or FROs?
EUR 112,99
not THAT expensive but this item is so horridly bad listed, its funny. an anti-listing sort off :)

btw. john do you want me to stop posting on this thread? it obviously resulted in a very heated debate... which makes me feel a bit guilty :oops:
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Inigo Montoya":uohrjzpf said:
btw. john do you want me to stop posting on this thread? it obviously resulted in a very heated debate... which makes me feel a bit guilty :oops:

Nah, keep it going, it's a good thread :D

Anyhow the auctions are done so nobody can cry about them being outed :LOL:
Good Grief!! :roll:

BTW, without Ebay, I would not have completed my GT LTS.
Later I found Retrobike, and I'm happy to be here and to share my knowledge with a lot of other knowledge from other members.
As many other sites it is growing. Ebay is growing. When I started to search for parts for my LTS I found ebay and prices were not very high.
But every time people discover ebay and more and more people there be who are looking for vintage MTB parts.
That is probably the same with old CD's, audio, car-parts, paintings, etc, etc.
So I think we all have to accept, we're not alone interested in old MTB parts.
I thinks it's now even more fun if you find a nice part you've always wanted for a bargain.
And ofcourse there are a lot of people they want a hype-part to buy it for a bargain and sell it for hugh profit.
But I think most of us here are a member because of a passion and share it with others!

Ride on!
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