ebay issue. what would you do?

Well, I have an assurance that the refund will be made on Sunday evening, so I'm going to wait until then before I make a formal claim. I'll let you know whether I was right to take 'a stranger who has my money's word or not!. Matt
Hope he comes through, but he can still give you the refund if you go to the resolution centre.
I just cannot see what the problem of doing so is, that is all.

And no I have never jumped in, I always do the sort it out first as per eBay's suggestion and that works as stuff happens, but after the faff you've had so far I would formalise it just to make sure it doesn't drag out.
bugloss":1gpudroy said:
Raise the dispute with Paypal. They are the same company as Ebay, but have much more clout and are more business like. They don't like sellers like the one you are dealing with and have the power to ban them from Ebay.
This every time. Raise claim, and then escalate it immediately pasting in the old new sale threads.
If you had opened this as soon as you saw your property for sale after having paid for it, you wold have your money back by now. It isn't even the money, it is the principle of letting pr*cks like this even have 3-4 days grace in what is basically stealing.
You can always report the new auction to eBay and have it pulled, after all the items are not Thiers to sell.

Crantinope":12n9257w said:
This every time. Raise claim, and then escalate it immediately pasting in the old new sale threads.
If you had opened this as soon as you saw your property for sale after having paid for it, you wold have your money back by now. It isn't even the money, it is the principle of letting pr*cks like this even have 3-4 days grace in what is basically stealing.[/quote]
Except, as I've said above, it doesn't work like that any more. You cannot escalate a dispute- I've tried! You have to wait the 15 days for Ebay to act, unless the seller agrees to refund you. Even then, he can play silly buggers by marking the case "refund issued" without actually doing so. You are entirely dependent for two weeks on the goodwill of the seller.

It is my guess that the seller has spent the money(people sell stuff cos they need the money, sometimes urgently.
We aren't privy to the buyer/seller correspondence but the seller seems OK so far, despite his F*ck up.
Auction ended Sunday presumably, he gets the packing stuff during the week and intends to send Thurday/Friday. Not as quick as I would hope for but a damn sight quicker than a lot of sellers on Retrobike!
He realises the seat post is stuck and informs the buyer, giving him the option of what to do. He could have just sent the bike in bits and washed his hands of it, but didn't. Realising he could make more selling the bits individually may have come into it, but we don't know for certain, and he DID offer the buyer the choice of what to do.
So now the seller has spent the money and can't afford to repay the buyer. Shit happens, but what is he to do?
:!: Sell the bike bits on a short auction, ending this Sunday. So getting Ebay to pull the auction would be kinda dumb, no?
I'm self employed, and often meet people who don't pay up as quick as I'd like. Waving a big stick at them as first option is never very effective. They can easily see YOU as being the unreasonable one.
drcarlos":nincq8p2 said:
.. report the new auction to eBay and have it pulled, after all the items are not Thiers to sell.
I would have tried this approach as well.

Had a couple of disputes recently, ebay excellent both times.

One seller who just ignored all comms despite me paying the moment the auction closed. The
other the seller basically decided they didn't want to part with items for the price as I was the only bidder, they waited a week and then came up with some bulls**t story about the listing being wrong. Ebay got me refund within 24 hrs.

I have decided to stop being patient as there seem to be a lot of (mainly new) sellers on ebay who think they can muck people about. If there's a genuine problem and people are honest with you straight away, fine. But when they either ignore you or leave it 2 weeks before declaring the problem I'm inclined to think they're taking me for a mug.
At the end of the day the best weapon you have it Negative feedback !!
When you sign up for a Paypal account they take your credit card details or/and bank account details. When you raise a dispute with either Ebay or Paypal they put a block on the funds instantly.

Surely in the event of a dispute such as this Paypal will debit either the sellers bank or credit card if the seller is found to be at fault. All this "I've not got the funds" etc, etc is of no consequence to Paypal as the seller either goes overdrawn or gets a debit on their credit card.

However I wonder if it is possible for the seller to make life tricky by closing their Paypal account and bank account, reporting any cards that are registered with Paypal as stolen and simply disappear with your funds. The longer this is left, the more time the seller has to disappear.

I keep repeating myself that the best option here is to raise the dispute with Paypal as they have more power over the seller than Ebay. If you raise the case with Ebay and they make a decision on it you cannot go to Paypal afterwards. It's one or the other.

It's clearly obvious that the seller is untrustworthy and should not be given the benefit of the doubt or any more time to screw around.
bugloss":152o3s20 said:
Dispute right now with Paypal not Ebay. Give the seller some really choice feedback straight away too and let us all know who they are.

I F@@@%%*& hate crappy Ebay sellers with a vengeance.
This was one of your great ideas too;
Leave negative feedback before you have your money?
D'you think that's going to make a refund any quicker?

With that, I'll leave the Retrobike Posse to ride around in circles.
If you find anything worth shooting, you'll realise you've used up all your bullets!
Nope, the only thing that's going to make it happen 100% is to raise the dispute. Period.

Waiting and counting on the sellers goodwill in this instance is a thing that only a fool would do.

Giving negative feedback is the only weapon that you have to let other buyers know that the seller is unreliable.
suburbanreuben":10iuwnww said:
With that, I'll leave the Retrobike Posse to ride around in circles.
If you find anything worth shooting, you'll realise you've used up all your bullets!

:LOL: You're Funny.

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