Wanted Eastern Woods Research frame in S or M


Fat Chance Fan
Hey everyone,

I nearly got an EWR frame from the US the other day but the deal fell through as the seller didn't want to ship overseas.

So feeling a bit bummed about it I thought to make this know over here just in case any member can help.

If you ever come across a 1st generation EWR (any of the two models OWR or E Motion) in size Small or Medium being sold and could let me know here it would be much appreciated. ;)

Tx in advance for any tips.
Hey everyone,

I nearly got an EWR frame from the US the other day but the deal fell through as the seller didn't want to ship overseas.

So feeling a bit bummed about it I thought to make this know over here just in case any member can help.

If you ever come across a 1st generation EWR (any of the two models OWR or E Motion) in size Small or Medium being sold and could let me know here it would be much appreciated. ;)

View attachment 867282
Tx in advance for any tips.
You not got a buddy or a fellow member in the States that you can get the frame shipped to?
You not got a buddy or a fellow member in the States that you can get the frame shipped to?
Yeah, I tried that too.

I offered the seller to buy via a friend of mine who lives in DC. The seller went unresponsive after a few exchanges on the practicalities.

I think he either doesn't have the time for it all (disassembly, packing, etc.) and prefers to sell the complete bike via collection locally.