East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

d'oh and it's nice weather too :(

another time...

Talking of which, I have 2 more days annual leave for riding :cool: If anybody is free either Mon 28th or Thurs 31st a ride is in the offing :D
Ed days off

It was a nice little ride in the sun I did a 10 mile version of our ride on tuesday :D
I cut out the walk / ride up Treacle mountain !!!
I would be up for a day off on one of those dates although I fully understand I am not up to your pace and if you get a better offer then cool.
orange71, how far are you looking to ride and from where? I fancy a trip out...I have 2.5 days holiday left and Jem (better half) has stamped my book for 1 day of 'me' time.
Open to suggestions really. Doing a big ride on 24th already out in Shropshire (you could join us on that if you like - details further back in this thread), so happy to go long or short on either day. Could do Peak somewhere, or Macclesfield Forest. Or if you have some decent local routes in mind? Would probably look for 3-4 hours riding in total over the day. Happy to go at any pace. I'll be on singlespeed. Would like mostly offroad if poss, though some road is of course inevitable.

Have you got transport?
Got transport OK thanks but no local routes at all - I thought I lived in a desert for XC (Nottingham) but turns out I'm wrong looking at your ticknall map. I generally ride Cannock, Hope/Castleton/Ladybower or Warncliffe woods in North Sheffield, so I have to drive a bit - The Peaks are always good, so up to you as you're singlespeed! Never been to Macclesfield forrest though. Chances are I can do both days but I'll confirm that tomorrow when I check the calendar at work.

I was looking out of the windows today wishing I was riding :roll:
Ok well let's ponder for a bit, I am away for a week next week, we can regroup when I'm back (around 18th) and see who else might also be up for it and take it from there :D

Riding tomorrow night if you're interested (and have lights), 7pm Ticknall village hall car park. There will be a few of us.

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