East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

looking good rob , i particularly like the crud mounts

set off at half 8 this morning after waking up at 7 , yawn . it seemed to all be uphill and it took about an hour for my legs to wake up . i think we did between 30 and 40 miles . it starts in redmile but as the race goes onto the canal anyway we didnt ride to redmile just to come back . lots of road , nothing technical . i didnt need the trailstar , it was too heavy and over geared . the kona will be ideal though . we were done in 2 hours including stopping for a while as well as waiting for horses

bored now

will probably go to ruland water later if the mrs turns up
Cheers guys. Now do I plonk everything back on and ride it, as was originally intended, or do I go down the garage queen route? Clean the bits up and shove back on me thinks.

Mat: 'sprinty' was fine and its good to have varied riding. Went out from home this morning and did 28 round the Ticknall area , legs felt great.
If the weather holds for Wednesday I reckon a loop round Robin Wood and then a loop round the reservoir will work OK for time and fun.
Ticknall tomorrow: can we afford to wait till a little after 6 as Colin wants to come but will struggle to get there for that time. Having said that - it might not be until 6.30 (my guess based on his arrival last time) which is possibly too late? What do you think? Shall we bring lights and wait for Colin?
i shall be there for 6pm on wednesday (maybe a little later but not alot), and i'll bring lights just incase.

anything else i need to bring ? (guessing wallet ?)
I don't have lights so they aren't an option for me.

The light was going quite quickly at 8.30 this evening and it was a clear sky, however the route for tomorrow takes us into the woods first and then out into the open so as long as we are back by 8.45 we should scrape home. If it is overcast then 8.30 is probably the cut-off.

It is my intention to do the reservoir in the opposite direction to normal so that we get the long uphill drag as a downhill for a change. At the bottom of this we can then turn left and work our way back along the road and then onto the single track, or if time is pressing, turn right and short-cut the single-track.

Two hours is more than enough for this ride even allowing for half an hours chat, but getting off by 6.30 is important.

If Colin can't make it until later then perhaps we could meet at 6.00 and set off at 6.15, do 45 minutes in the woods and meet up with him at about 7.15 where we usually turn left off the road from the car park onto the single track. Mobile phone coverage is a bit varied but should be ok.
sorry - I meant Weds :roll: :lol:

I've sent Colin an email to ask what time he could make it for - l;et's wait for his reply before assessing our options. What you've suggested above is quite sensible.

I don't have much in the way of lights either - more a case of 'be seen' than 'see'. :D But, it could be fun :shock: