East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

The Man from Del Monte; he say "Charnwood"
Woodhouse Eaves at 7pm was the message from Ed.

I'll see everyone in the Bulls Head at 9pm.
Sorry; My wrist hasn't improved* enough to ride.
*A pox on the daetiety responsible for decorating.

sorry my bad didn't announce it here. Rob usually does and I get round to it only after he's done it normally!! :oops:
Its ok Mr Ed we will let u off as we luv ya
Great ride tonight we were Johns guinea pigs for a new ride entitled johns Christmas Climb :shock:
From your lingo I can tell you are 'down with the kids' but please reassure me you are not a "can I get ", person its my pet hate
Love and kisses ,yer loving Uncle Fester