East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

rc200ti":pf7hcst2 said:
and it has some cool cycling apps!

:D Exactly.

Samsung not as well built as Desire, but slimmer, lighter, better screen and better specced. Bigger battery and much better life (I believe).

When I researched Jodie's phone the reviews fell down on the side of the Desire...screen wise it's as good as the iphone, build wise I've just had a play and it's pretty good, bit slippy though in the hand...

Swings and roundabouts :wink:

Surprisingly felt better after yesterdays ride SS than last week's geared even with same distance and elevation. Psychosomatic effect of expensive flapjack - must be superfood at that price! No riding for a few days though due to family commitments :(

The threat of tyre slashing came from an overzealous cafe lackey. Though to be fair I think he had moderate learning difficulties...
Hi guys sorry not been in touch for a while, it looks like you have all been busy out in the dry. hoping to be out sooner rather than later. not looked at the rocky for 6 weeks still muddy. :cry:
Phil :D Good to hear from you, trust that all the family is thriving. The general concencus was that you have been up to your headset in nappies..... how we laughed :twisted:
Missed you on the Mynd....still... looking to re-run this in the Summer and will make sure that it revolves around yours and Mat's free dates.

All the best.

Sorry I have been off the radar for a bit but I have nearly finished the Alpinestar build now just need the stickers from Gil_M to finish her off
anyone riding out from Ticknall tomorrow morning ?
Sorry CC, riding out with Mrs rc200ti tomorrow.
Re. thumbies: I'm a firm Suntour fan, and would swap a set of Deores for xc pros.

Looking forward to seeing the Alpinestars, my builds are buried under work-dross :( . Got most of the bits but no time. :( :( I need SWMBO to go away for a couple of days.. :lol: