East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

We turned left out of the car park, up the road and then up into the woods.

We finished the ride out through Calke Abbey which might be tricky during the day as I think some of the trails are footpaths. RC200ti would know better...
Thanks, they look like they might and it's National Trust...not known for their love of MTBers. Might have to do Calke on the road and live with the gps bleeping at me about not being on track.

You will be going against the one way system through Calke if you use their road, so the public road back to Ticknall from Breedon is probably your best bet. The loop is far better done in a clockwise direction. You could do the loop that Orange71 posted for the previous week's ride.
I'd join you if I could but I've used up my weekend riding time, most of which was spent repairing a broken chain...three times :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
re broken chain

I bought a chain tool on the strength of our ride this morning
sorry it wasnt so good for you and look forward to tues night
I also stripped down the A stars frame ready for powdercoating and now have a crank extractor tool and an Isis BB tool ( v nice one ) so if you need one ...I will need a headset alignment jig too so unless anyone has one I will have to buy one of these too.....I can see I will soon be a bike mechanic again oh and I bought a good chain link extractor workshop grade.
Latest Ebay purchase.... a Scott Boulder frame with BB and Deore crankset 18 " £ 19 gotta be a bargin ?
by headset alignment jig, do you mean a headset press ??

if so i made mine :wink:

if you do a google for homemade headset press you'll find plenty of resources to make your own.

Thanks guys may give you a shout when I get the frame back from the powdercoaters
sprayed the tubes with frame saver this afternoon should ring the long eaton powdercoat company in the week and get on with it.
see you on tuesday night then ..Geoff ?
rc200ti":31qpkopg said:
Sorry, can't do the bikejumble day (at least not at the moment but things may change).
On a totally different topic here's the Long Mynd route for March 24th. The pub we went to before is closed, so we are trying Wentnor which has two, both do food and real ales. This has meant a re-planning which will now include going down the track we came up last time after lunch. Now I must admit that the route straight after Wentnor is somewhat ambitious and one that I have never ridden so I haven't a clue what the bridleway on the map is comprised of. We can always stick to the road up to the Stipperstones.
Total distance is about 27miles with 12.5 before lunch. A 10.30 start should get us to the pub for 12.30 ish and then say 3 hours for the afternoon so back to the carpark for 5.00ish

I'll send this to DSP with an open invite to any of his lot.

Any more details for this, or does it have it's own thread that I've missed? Hoping to trek down from Mancunia for the day, visit an old favourite 8)

Where's the meet-up point is all I need to know I guess! :wink:

Look forward to meeting some new faces :D