East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

Really good ride. Terrific forest with miles of single-track, though far more rooted and severe than The Pines. Del knows the FOD like you know the Pines and although the trail centre we set off from was heaving, I don't think we saw any bike once into the woods.
I certainly did far more climbing than I expected and descended steeper and more technical stuff than I can ever remember doing, so thanks to you lot for all the training.
I strongly recommend this ride next time it crops up.

Ededwards seemed interested in a joint Long Mynd ride so that's something to contemplate.

:D :D :D
I'm not sure about that! The last few Ticknall rides I did were pretty furious in terms of pace. It's only when you go out and cruise that you realise the strength and depth of your fitness.

Group rides make you knackered because there is always someone who is feeling faster than everyone else at some point in the ride.

It's like John and his finishing pace and Tony and his starting pace. Put them together and you've got a killer combo!!

Also rooted, physical rides really take it out of you and sometimes it's 'just not in the legs' as Wiggo might say :wink:
I suppose what I am trying to say Rob is that your fitness was pretty damn good 2 weeks ago when I last saw you...and you can't just lose that overnight...and we all know best :wink:
This new office job is a killer for messing about in the internet. All I've done today is buy things and post messages.

I must get back to work :twisted: