East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

i'm sure you'll be capable of riding at the same sort of pace the rest of us can manage hehe :P

good to hear you're on the mend.

fingers crossed the steerer for my RC-35s will have arrived by then so i will be riding a proper retrobike woohoo!! :D
Ed you should be careful what you put on here or you will get those animal freinds after you, you must not do that to foxes, if they are in a hedge or not.. :lol:
So, evening rides for June - how does 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th sound? All Tuesdays. 7pm kick off. (Is that time still OK? People prefer earlier or later?).

As usual those are dates I can do, nothing stopping you arranging other evenings, but I may not be able to attend. :D

Starting this Tuesday then. I have yet to return to the saddle, so may bring along a full suspension just to ease myself back into it. I have no idea how it will go. If I have to head back early so be it, but I'll wait in the pub ;)

See you Tuesday hopefully :D
It will be good to see you back on your bike Ed, No sucking out Foxes when your out with us though, you can do what you want with your friends.

What a great morning out Mat thanks for a great ride. I think the gentle push off my bike was funny, the doctor says that the cast shall be off my arm within two weeks, so that they can re-brake itand reset it.
He also said that the way my knee was twisted that I could be back on my bike before christmas, back in time for night riding :)
Ticknall at 7.00 for a very gentle potter round please followed by an early pub. Only missed a week and it seems ages :shock: