East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

disaster :roll:

went to pub had nice meal, got back to car and though such a lovely evening why not go for night ride, make most of weekend. Went out for an hour or so and about 45mins in I was coming down a hill (on the road) and a fox ran out in front of me - I couldn't avoid it and hit it straight on and went over the hadlebars big time. Fell hard and winded myself, but didn't feel any major bones broken. Lots of road rash all over, shirt shredded. My ribs didn't feel too good though. Decided we better get to A&E at Lancaster. So by the time we got there it's 2am. They patched me up with bandages but didn't xray me.

4am by the time we got back to where we were going to sleep. I managed to get 2 hours sat up in front seat, Simon got no sleep (he has trouble at times). My ribs were killing by now. Decided couldn't ride that day - and drove home.

I have now got very painful ribs - think I must have broken some... looks like I might be off the bike for a little while. Hoping I can keep it to a minimum. Annoyed nobody will xray me though - rang A&E locally here and they said they probably wouldn't either. But I want to know if there are any fragments that might puncture my lung if I am not careful, or if it is just muscular I can put up with the pain and ride anyway. :evil:

Anyway, pics to follow... look away if sqeamish.

And it's my birthday today :evil: :roll: :lol:



helmet had a few scratches on it - strangley one of the things I remember (although it happened so fast) was the sound of the helmet scraping along the ground :lol: Didn't take a full on hit though.

Fox? No idea. Had other things on my mind :lol:
Ooooh. Looks a bit painful Ed.
Even if you've just bruised your ribs as opposed to any fractures then it'll still be bloody painful for a while.
I had a crash about this time last summer and hit the ground hard on my left hand side. I did visit my GP 2 days later, as by then my ribs were really hurting alot. I was referred to A&E but I wasn't x-rayed as they didn't think I'd broken anything.
I was on strong Co-Codomol for the pain for about four weeks along with regular Ibruprofen. All in all it took about twelve weeks to fully recover.

The worst thing was that it restricted me to light cycling duties only.

Hope you recover quickly Ed, just don't sneeze, cough or laugh.