East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

Hey Orange71, I am learning quite much here from your posts also. Unfortunately I cannot much understand of your retrobike chat and talking. Do you plan add an automatic translator for all your mouths when retrotalking? :wink:
I reckon Wednesday night's ride was a premature April Fool's joke. It has taken me an unbelievable amount of time to get the cack off the frame let alone the fiddly bits.
Nice big thorn sticking through the tyre, that'll teach me, I was lucky to get back without flatting a second time.
The Three Tribes post is up. I've worked out a route and will try to scan in and post as for the Ticknall ride. It takes in the long downhill at the end of Mr K's Day in the Peak ride, trouble is we have to get up from the reservoir first :( but it's a great way to end the day.
I am going to tackle my cack tomorrow let it dry out a bit more, so all that I have to do is shout at it and it will fall off.

Your bike still in the boot Ed?

How are you feeling now Mat?
yep bike will stay in boot until weds no doubt :lol: advantage of singlespeeder with lots of mud clearance :D

joining us weds Mat? I think you need to get out. :D

enjoy the coming couple of weeks Phil!
Getting closer to me coming out ... On my bike, nope still doesn't sound right.

My retro build, that is no longer a retro build in the true sense as it has allsorts of bits on it is coming closer to being built, the wife's got a friend staying over for a week so that should take the pressure off me and let me go and play in the shed with my build and get it done ... just have to see what happens, I'm sure she has a plan, they all do! Probably just lulling me into a false sense of security. Something is coming I just know it is. It's like hearing the footsteps of the T-rex in Jurassic park or something.

I have a slight concern about keeping up when I do make it out ... are you guys all superfit? :lol:

Ignore my earlier ramblings I'm at work and it's a tad slow today.
Superfit? Us? hahahahahahahahahaha :lol:

That'll be a 'no'. :D

Join us when you can - it'll be fun.

Seriously what tends to happen is if anybody fancies a quick burst they go on ahead and wait a bit further up the trail - but there is no pressure for others to keep up whatsoever. It's up to the fittest to wait, not the least fit to keep up. We stick together and chat mostly :D
I've been out for an early morning blast round the Pines and I'm definately feeling better.

I'm just sick of the winter...it's all so muddy.

Superfit? :lol:

Phil, have a cracking wedding and honeymoon.... :wink: