East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

Good idea...what about having that on a friday so there is less pressure to get home/up the next morning.

It would be nice to see the sun set over some proper hills :)
right. I'll work on some dates with the missus, and get back to you guys to approve/disapprove. To include a late Friday ride.
here we go then, proposed dates in April, all 7pm starts:

Tues 6th or Weds 7th night ride - venue TBA

Friday 16th long night ride - Chatsworth

Tues 13th night ride venue TBA

Tues 20th night ride venue TBA

Tues 27th night ride venue TBA

Those are the dates I can make - if they are inconvenient feel free to propose some better ones, but I probably won't be able to make them.
I might be a little late to tomorrow's ride as have a parents evening at school (last appt is at 6.20), so hoping ot go straight from there. Hoping I won't be later than 7.30 at latest.
Provisionally fine but I'm not a big one for planning ahead and sometimes work eats into my evenings...got home at 8.00 tonight and I'm on a trip on wed so It's hard to say...

Lifes just too complicated :roll:
OK - think I'll post 'em up and see what happens nearer the time. People can either come or not come (and that includes me :D ).
aha - it's quiet without you Rob :lol: :shock:

hope you're having a good time. John took us on a good ride on Tues.

see you next week?