East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

Either OK with me apart from this coming Tuesday when I've arranged to :oops: :roll: cough (says it quickly) have a look at a frame.
I think I've finally worked out why my knee is swollen , appears to be a quadricep strain

http://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/cyber ... strain.htm

Seems to be grade 2 .

I reckon since I haven't been riding and only sitting on my arse to then being stood at work for hours on end its pulled it . had been taking ibuprofen and cocodamol but they might as well be lumps of sugar for all the good they do , I hadn't taken any kind of medication since I put my back out around 2003 so I'm surprised they have had no effect whatsoever . Don't have much of a limp today so seems to be healing but I still can't bend it past 90degrees ; most worrying of all I used to have quite a large muscle there but no matter how much I tense my leg it seems to have disappeared :shock:

I think it'll be a while until I've got that back :(
Yes, Tuesdays or Thursdays work just as well for me...

I've got 3 hours at the weekend and 3 hours during the week to ride a bike...when and where are mere details :)

Now I've said that watch me struggle to make any date for the next month :wink:
perry":1ncfikyy said:
I think I've finally worked out why my knee is swollen , appears to be a quadricep strain

http://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/cyber ... strain.htm

Seems to be grade 2 .

I reckon since I haven't been riding and only sitting on my arse to then being stood at work for hours on end its pulled it . had been taking ibuprofen and cocodamol but they might as well be lumps of sugar for all the good they do , I hadn't taken any kind of medication since I put my back out around 2003 so I'm surprised they have had no effect whatsoever . Don't have much of a limp today so seems to be healing but I still can't bend it past 90degrees ; most worrying of all I used to have quite a large muscle there but no matter how much I tense my leg it seems to have disappeared :shock:

I think it'll be a while until I've got that back :(

Perry, go to your GP.

They know more than the internet (usually :wink: ) and if it's a long term issue they will refer you to a NHS physio who will know their stuff...