East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

I agree. But big rides can be fun. I like our small ones though - take less organising and we can be pretty flexible.
I think we are all here because we are not the kind of people who join clubs and organisations. In reality we are lone riders who have found a nice bit of company and comradeship.

It's more about friendship than organisation I suppose!

Very well said Mat and a good yardstick by which to judge if things are getting out of kilta.

The wish to 'materialise' site users can be no bad thing and who knows where it might lead .... 'retro development' interesting.
Hey, hey, lights have arrived but no instruction manual. Did you get one Ed and if not what procedures have you been using for charging and regulating the light.

Woke up last night a 3am unable to breath with really bad rib pain where I crashed last week. Almost went to casualty but stuck it out and went to the GP this morning. Got a bruise on my lung that has become infected and is rubbing on my rib cage (so no broken or craked ribs which is good).

Bloody painful to breath though but the doc said that I can cycle as soon as the penecillin kicks in and it stops hurting so I might be ok for Caythorpe. :?

I'll keep you posted Rob.
yikes - get well soon!!

No I didn't get any instructions either, I just charged it up and off I went - was I supposed to do different??

The little light goes red on the back of the main light when the battery's on its way out. It's green otherwise.

The charger shows orange when charging and green when charged.

That's it. :D
Hey Ed
Was that you going through Borrowash at about 8.10 this morning with a weapons grade strobe light strapped to the front of your bike?
Can't believe how bright it was even in daylight! :shock:

I might be ok for Caythorpe.

:shock: Don't worry about Caythorpe. Get yourself mended. Lungs are quite important.

John (of the Ticknall rides) is doing it so I'll have company when constantly tightening things up on the way round. Planning to try for an 8.45 start :shock:

Mechs all cabled up. The rear thumbie seems to require some pressure and I can't remember if that was always the case.
If I'm well I'd like to do it if you fancy the company...

You are right though, when you can't breath, breathing takes on a whole new significance :shock:
Whats this Caythorpe thing ?

The Viking Challenge results have finally been posted

1134 people entered in total . 810 of which did the 50k and i came 164th . start and finish times of 9am - 11.44 . so i did it in 2 hours 44 mins

As it wasn't a race I've had to work it all out for comparison as the results are listed by name .

I hadn't done a staggered start before so at 9am I was stood around wondering what to do , expecting there to be a group of people waiting to be let go . At 5mins past while chatting to some people who were going at 10 past I realized I should probably head off :lol: I stopped after a few mins right from the start to have a pee in a bush , it was early so I filled up on coffee to make the early morning seem less early .

Once onto the canal the realization of the distance hit and I expected to hit the wall at any point and be passed all day but I just kept passing people , lots of whom had punctures or who too were pissing . I mustave passed 20 or more people at the first refreshment stop ( and subsequently each stop thereafter .) I knew there was a hill shortly after and wanted to get as far ahead as possible . sadly I had to walk it , I expected the guy on the cotic in front of me to be able to ride , but his gears slipped :roll: and I was dead in the water ; a lad did pedal it though , right beside me , going at the same speed as me walking but at the top I just hopped back on , as those who struggled in the granny ring caught their breath .

Back to passing many , many people before getting stuck behind a group of suspenders , made a mental note not to follow so closely as they just bounced their way over things a rigid couldn't ; I ditched them when the dirt changed to airstrip . I've seen it quoted as being 40mph winds at that point , I'm not sure how accurate that is but it was certainly fookin hard , my gearing had been great until that point and I was now in the having to apply more effort to go slower pedaling range and fully expected everybody I had passed from the start to breeze past .

Some road next , surprisingly I still managed to pick people off , I remember one guy who must have taken being passed by a guy wearing jeans and a tshirt on a one gear as an offense ; but I had to laugh a little as out of my periphery I saw his chain unwrap from the big ring and he quickly coast away to join the droves of people behind me . I think it was now I started with the oxygen starved delusional hallucinations where upon I'd see a competitor ahead and I would hunt them down on my steed before slaying them as I passed , I might carry a plastic sword next year ; I'm sure I saw someone in a cow costume , I'm almost certain I saw a black and white striped robber .

After the stall at the steep hill earlier on I had got a lot more forceful on the hills and had to quickly carve a way through the people who would slow to a crawl at the bottom so I didn't lose momentum .

I was thankful of my 170mm cranks when we got to the ruts . Made more difficult by the long grass covering them and the people falling over in front of me . Loads more road , not fun being passed by people pedaling the same cadence but managing to go twice as fast , wheres the skill in variable gears ? I reclaimed those kills when tarmac changed back to dirt though .

Thats right you pedal your gears while I stay tucked behind you stealing your energy as I coast ; your pedaling for two I thought as another singlespeed appeared beside me , we exchanged some words that might not have formed a normal conversation had we not been hurtling along at oh 11mph :lol: I said something about us not being suited to the road in justification for stealing the effort of someone in front , then he pedaled at about 800rpm and disappeared like I was stood still , I suspect he was the merlin to my imaginary sword swinging vampire knight , it has to be magic .

At the finish I met Stevek , I kinda figured it was him as I didn't expect there would be more than the one single sped Moots owner in attendance . I ate a load of shortbread and went home .