Early Saracen Lovers Anonymous......

And my new trekker XT in speed mode. This is a fast bike! Am considering putting racks on for a weekend away, just missed on out a lovely set of period correct karrimor panniers on ebay. I have the racks already.


  • trekker xt 2012.jpg
    trekker xt 2012.jpg
    210 KB · Views: 378
Ha ha, well, I'm spoiled living amongst all the pubs that I have no need for a pub bike. In fact I long to live in the country, a mile or two from a pub especially so I can have a specific pub bike!

This gets used for odd errands around town, and also I go to the outdoor pool every other day or so, it takes 5 minutes on the bike, but is just far enough that I cant be arsed to walk, so this is a pool bike!

But, it was so successful in my first triathlon that it made me get a modern road bike and do more, so its earnt its retirement.
Muddy paw":3oq8wwmh said:
That really does look good :cool: but i could never put slicks on an mtb :shock: as it's a bit like putting knobbly tyres on a road racing machine :facepalm: ..
Cheers buddy. Not ridden it yet but the frame fits me like a glove so I'm thinking its going to become one of my favourite bikes.

The slicks just happened to be in the shed, so on they went. Got 2 pairs of Marathons round at my alternate backup worlshop (my Ma's garage) which' ll be fitted before I go touring on it.
Yes indeedy. It's from my Box O'Shite and is too small to clear the fat XLC headset, so it's inverted. I think I've found another that will clear it, so that can go back the Forbidden Box of Mystery to hibernate until its needed again.
It was built on a very strict budget with lard taking a poor second place to cost, so I'm not overly concerned. The bikes weight is kind of insignificant anyway compared to my own 255lbs.

That said, if anyone has the necessary 1" lightweight stem and is willing to let it go for postage then I wouldn't be ungrateful. I've got bars galore, and the unbranded alloy jobs on there were actually quite light as well as being closeish in appearance to the originals.
The stem that I have that "might" be going spare has a 135mm reach. Is that too long?

And its manky, would need painting, its saracen but older than your bike.

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