Early Muddyfox Lovers Anonynmous


Just finished restoring my 1988 Trailblazer.



Mine has changed a bit since 2010, nearly finished, just a cassette, yellow cables and chain to go!

Man, that disc just gave me major flashbacks!
My friend had an MF in '90 and I a Batavus and we spend hours looking in catalogs and shops which disc to choose.
He choose this one, I never bought one, but did buy a fluor yellow tiger print saddle cover, so I was cool anyway :)
Really wanted an explorer back in 88 (mate had one but I was a new dad and couldn't afford one). Ended up finally getting one a few years back and the bug just grew from there.
Iconic bike to me and the brand holds fond memories.

Just fancied collecting them all. Lol
No other reason.