Early 50s La Gazelle - Eau-de-Nil 🛠️ The Merlot Aftermath 🍷

The wrestle with the rear mudguard ....

I started down in the bowels first. And I probably shouldn't have according to some mudguard dark art witch craft.

The thing is oozing quality. Only way I could remove the bolt is via a nut on the inside, then gently tapped out.

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Definitely, if you're starting in the bowel you ought to avoid chewing up nuts...
Mmmh. Integrated brake bridge brake washer thingy. Decided to remove it from the mudguard. Another bolt on the inside.

Removed the rear brake at the same time. Lastly I removed the mudguard wire supports from the rear drop-outs.

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So far some really nice rusty patina without any rusted through bits, very lovely :D

Colour is nice, makes me want to lick it. Does it taste like mint ice cream?
So far some really nice rusty patina without any rusted through bits, very lovely :D

Colour is nice, makes me want to lick it. Does it taste like mint ice cream?

Don't start - I've actually become blind to the colour now and don't think about it. :p

Quality parts and quality metal through out - I think with some elbow grease the parts should be OK. :)
The wrestle with the front mudguard ....

I made a balls up of this. From previous experience I knew they hide the fork crown fixing up in the fork column with a gizmo around the front brake spindle. It's OK if you don't understand what I'm talking about at this point.

I released the brake nut first, gave the spindle a little tap with the hammer to get it moving, but it was as stiff as hell. Then I couldn't slide it any further without it fouling and potentially bending the mudguard. No choice but to work on the inside of the mudguard which really I should have done straight away.



Rubber doughnut and gizmo thingy. It should all make sense now 🤓
