I bought this bike on a whim after seeing it for a very good price in the local classified ads. It's a Dutch cargo / city bike, and it has totally surprised me how comfortable it is to ride! I have been using it a lot.
It is a really good cruiser - single speed, drum brake, fat tyres with an upright riding position. Very simple bike. You can get some good speed on it, plus it has a large carrying capacity.
One of the things that was missing when I got it was the spring that attaches the fork to the down tube. Never had a bike with one of these before, but it's crucial to this big old thing - it makes the front end much more controlled.
The tyres are 28 inch x 2 inch. Super comfortable.
It makes my Kona look pretty small:
Google turned up a Dutch website selling them new:
Mine still needs some TLC but it rides great already. One of those bikes that takes you by surprise and becomes a favourite before you realise.
Anyone else got something like this?
It is a really good cruiser - single speed, drum brake, fat tyres with an upright riding position. Very simple bike. You can get some good speed on it, plus it has a large carrying capacity.
One of the things that was missing when I got it was the spring that attaches the fork to the down tube. Never had a bike with one of these before, but it's crucial to this big old thing - it makes the front end much more controlled.
The tyres are 28 inch x 2 inch. Super comfortable.
It makes my Kona look pretty small:
Google turned up a Dutch website selling them new:
Mine still needs some TLC but it rides great already. One of those bikes that takes you by surprise and becomes a favourite before you realise.
Anyone else got something like this?