Dura-Ace 7700 drivetrain click


Dirt Disciple
For over 3 months now I've had a click in my drivetrain, which I thought I had narrowed down to a bad bottom bracket, but after trying 3 different bb's (2 105, 1 Ultegra), the click has been consistent, so I don't know now.

It clicks consistently through all sprockets and chainrings, and seems to occur in the same place in the crank rotation - just as my right foot is going over the top.
It only occurs when I'm riding, and applying power, so is impossible to narrow down when it's in the stand.

I'm now thinking it's either the chain, the pedals, or possibly (but unlikely) the derailleur.

Drivetrain is all Dura-Ace 7700, apart from the cassette which is Ultegra 6500, and the chain which is a KMC.
I recently replaced the jockey wheels on the derailleur, and tried a new chain (another KMC), but to no avail.

Any help would be much appreciated!


Crank bolts, chainring bolts, seat clamp, saddle clamp?

It won't be the chain or cassette as the key is that it's when your right leg is raised. The chian does not return to the same place with each crank revolution.
Crank and chainring bolts are crazy tight, and have been checked numerous times! Should've mentioned the click occurs when I'm out of the saddle as well.

The reason I thought it could be the chain or derailleur is because it could be related to how much power I'm putting down at a particular part of the crank rotation?
These problems are a horror to solve. The sound travels through the frame and can appear from somewhere else.
Have you taken the BB out, copperslipped the threads and refitted? Italian or UK thread?
Pedals tight and no play?
Grease the cleats as an experiment?
Check bars, headset, stem clamps?

I had a similar creak which was due to a bit of corrosion on the stub axle of my rear hub. Removed the wheel, wiped off the corrosion, refitted. It solved 3 months of near-insanity.
hamster":30vq1l5q said:
Have you taken the BB out, copperslipped the threads and refitted? Italian or UK thread?

Will give it a go! Everything is super tight, and these are just regular pedals, no toe straps or cleats.
Re: click

I've had this maddening problem before. The first time it was just the crankarm hitting the cable end from the front mech. Every time around the arm would tick on the end of the cable. The second time I had a unknown clicking it was the CO2 cartridge in my saddle bag bumping the seatpost, drove me nuts for days until I figured it out. Good luck, hope you find it.
No cracks that I can see, although it is a steel frame, and that wouldn't really happen.
I suspect that if it isn't the bottom bracket itself, it may be something to do with the bb shell, as the threads aren't in great condition.
I'll try the copper slip and see if that fixes it.

Also forgot to mention that when the bike has been out in the rain for a while, the click disappears, until it's dry again.
Pedals is my bet. Depending on whether they are clipless, lots of things to look at. Try swapping them with a different pair.
Hi Alex, is this a 'crack' noise or a 'creak' both are very different. Creaks normally come from something lose, or a thread that is dry. A crack is different. If it is consistent and always at the same point in the rotation under load then it may well be the chain (you have of course ruled out the front mech catching the crank).

Anyway, check your chain, check for a stiff link by moving the chain slowly backwards through the rear mech cage - a stiff link will stand out a mile. Also, carefully check the rollers in your chain and see if they are all there and not damaged.