drivetrain clicking

I took the chain off my S/S last week and gave it an overnight soak in solvent, next day I methodically cleaned it, re-lubed it and refitted it to the bike. For two days after that every time I rode the bike it clicked on about every 3rd or 4th pedal stroke, I tried to pinpoint the click but was unable. I also re-lubed the chain several times to no avail. Then yesterday when I was out cycling I noticed everything was silent. I can only assume there was a dry roller on the chain and it's taken 3 lubes before the oil has penetrated inside.
rode to a lecture this morning and it was still clicking, but after it being outside in the rain for an hour, it seems to have stopped! Perhaps the rollers on either side of the powerlink weren't lubed enough, so I've added more to them just to be sure. I'll be surprised if it lasts though!