Dream garage / Dream shed / Dream cupboard.


Senior Retro Guru
Dear all

In admiration of @Tootyred sterling work on his Spotless parts cupboard , as well as @raidan73 great work in starting Project shed along with the need for inspiration to help fix it up. I thought I would start a photo thread of just the finished article, to help inspire those in need of a shed make over with what is possible and to help those who are hoarding, clear out their boxes and minds for healthier hobby habits.

Consider it your Pinterest board of what you consider, good looking bike garages/sheds/tool boxes; either of your own, of someone’s else’s or ones you have found online and really like the look of. Before and after pics also welcome.

My starter for 10 is this one below of a friend of mines in a previous house of his, along with his spare parts trolley and display walls.

Now tidy up those sheds:

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The spare tyres all hang on the back of the trolley on folding shelf brackets.

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Yes, there are some ingenious storage and display ideas on here.

My collection is spread about the house, in a few rooms and the loft unfortunately 😐
Signing in for inspiration
I’ve seen some great looking loft collections. It’s a good result for those with no shed. Although I’ve always wondered how they get bikes up and down for a ride.

Well the fact i haven't got around to fitting loft ladders means the bikes that go in and out of mine(usually just in to be fair) have to have the wheels removed and means most the time i cant be bothered to take them out for rides 😖.
Dear all

In admiration of @Tootyred sterling work on his Spotless parts cupboard , as well as @raidan73 great work in Project shed along with the need for inspiration to help fix it up. I thought I would start a photo thread of just the finished article, to help inspire those in need of a make over with what is possible and to help those who are hoarding, clear out their boxes and minds for healthier hobby habits.

Consider it your Pinterest board of good looking bike garages/sheds/tool boxes; either of your own, of someone’s else’s or ones you have found online and really like the look of. Before and after pics also welcome.

My starter for 10 is this one below of a friend of mines in a previous house of his, along with his spare parts trolley and display walls.

Now tidy up those sheds:

View attachment 638083
I can only dream of such a space. love the way you have a chair so you can just sit and look :cool:

with no obvious sign of a bench or stand ... where do you actually work on your bikes?
That’s what I suspected. I rigged up some pulley system when I was at uni to store them above the stair well area. Worked a treat for 2 bikes. I guess you can always just get good at track stands in the loft.
Most of my gear is in the loft, id like to rotate the bikes for riding more often but getting them in and out of the loft is a bit of a palaver. I've been wanting to set up a pully rig for ages. Fortunately, there's a loft ladder and the loft hatch is quite big so it's a matter of taking the front wheel off and lifting them up... its fiddly but not impossible. Getting them down, I tie a rope around the head tube and lower. Would love the luxury of a walk-in garage to work and store my projects.
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screw this. I'd be happy if I could see the floor in my garage. A clean workspace is the sign of a sick mind.
