dbmtb Gold Trader Feedback View Sep 5, 2010 #1 I have the following DP front mechs. Would like to swap one of them for a similar quality top pull ideally 31,8 but 34,9 with adapter is also fine. Deore LX Early 90s type M550 31,8 Mid 90s type M565 34,9 Mid-00s type M570 34,9 XT M739 31,8 WHY?
I have the following DP front mechs. Would like to swap one of them for a similar quality top pull ideally 31,8 but 34,9 with adapter is also fine. Deore LX Early 90s type M550 31,8 Mid 90s type M565 34,9 Mid-00s type M570 34,9 XT M739 31,8 WHY?