don't ride on the pavement

Almost crashed into a daft young guy on a shared path who was cycling with earphones in, listening to whatever sh.te them kids call music these days so loud that I could hear it from a couple meters away.
Oh yeah, he was also looking down at his phone while holding it in one hand.

So couldn't hear anything, couldn't see anything and was only controlling his bike with one damn hand.
Sound like many of the drivers around here. Music on, heads down on the phone, one hand on the wheel..
I know which I'd rather be hit by.
(none in reality, bar end hurt ;-))
He needs issuing with a wedding dress and placed in a cell with Big Bubba.

As an aside, since others have raised it, simply driving a car with the windows wound up greatws greater auditory exclusing than headphones. Considering motorists kill 5 people a day, it's they more than anyone who would be relying on their senses to curb their murderous tendencies.