Does any of you listen to music while riding???


Retrobike Rider
BoTM Winner
Gold Trader
Kona Fan
Saw a few people listening to music while they were riding, when i used to ride years back. I never did listen to music, as a mate had a bad accident because he didn't hear car horn and got knocked off.

So was wondering if any of you listened to music while riding??
Only when on the TT.

TBH, I like the sound of nature when on my bike. I dont ride on the road at all, as all my local trails are within 30 secs of my house.

Tunes in your ears + cars = disaster
Off-road I never have music on, but on road, on really long rides I'll put some tunes on to movitate myself and alleviate the bordem. I never have it loud as not hearing a car could be fatal!

only off road and if on road getting to the trails one ear bud in only, my ipod hangs off the strap of my camel back and the lead is easily pulled out if I need to kill the sounds quick! so far I have killed two sets of ear buds! one set got caught up in the front wheel when I pulled them out to answer the phone and dropped them over the bars! the pod at that time was only tucked into the strap and got pulled into the front wheel, luckily there was no one around to see me hit the dirt and to this day only me and the guy on the phone know what really happened and he's sworn never to tell a living soul ;)
yup,never to loud tho.road and off road,living in a quite ish village means a bit of noise is nice lol
Occasionally if riding myself though less so on road.
Always on my commute but only have 500-600yds on the road to do. Something very loud does the trick. Never when out on the trails. I just like the sound of nature and not much else besides.
Yes both on and off,

I use the Ostrich theory that if I can't hear cars they're not there and can run me over :)