Do you notice extreme negative views of none retrobikers when you say you are trying to work with an older bike?

I rode onespeeds exclusively for a year. The way I made myself stick to it was to take all bikes with gears apart, it was my only option. It is surprisingly liberating to never worry about the proper gear. You just bike. I found it really conducive to getting into the flow state on a trail. Leg and lung strength increased a lot as well. However, since I got my geared bike rolling again, I've barely touched it. The gears are just too easy
1x is one by aka single chainring, not one speed.
Fwiw, I've put 9x1 on all my bikes (summer roadie, audax/commuter and rando). Was a die-hard triple fan before that.
Also found it very liberating. You don't tend to switch gears that often, but they are there when you need them. 7x1 will work almost as well imho, but I've got some nice hills around me.
Well for me it was interesting to note that when I ran my 2x setup through a gear calculator and noticed that the usable speeds, none repeated and none usable ones, it came to only 13 usable gears anyway. On the other hand it would be extremely difficult or expensive to get the super low gearing I seek currently with 1x so 2x is most suited for me at the moment even if 1x is more efficient technically.
Gear choice depends on
riding position,
Fitness level
Bike style
...and let's not forget Fashion!