Do you guys ride/train/race on your vintage bikes?

Lets see:

Ride: I ride all my bikes so that includes the retro ones. The trails are rather abbrasive when wet here though so the Retro rides don't get out much in winter as they just end up trashed.

Train: I do some training on the retro rides but it depends on what type of training, if its hills then they work fine but for fast technical riding some of them are too different to the race bike and they make me slower in the technical stuff as I brake to early and I'm kinder on the older stuff.

Race: Rarely these days, I like to win or go as close as possible to winning if possible and the older bikes are a handicap 99.99% of the time under a race scenario. If its a low key event I'll take something retro out just to play and be annoying to other racers but its rare these days.
Horses for courses. I do ride most of my retro fleet with a few exceptions ie the Pace- I spent too much time getting that one perfect and to be honest it's not the nicest bike to ride in my collection. I tend to use the retro stuff for the RB meets and summer use mainly as the local trails up here are hard on bikes. For the local stuff it's the fully rigid Moots for general XC stuff and a Cotic with big forks and tyres for the nasty place that is Thrunton. Thrunton is a bike and bone breaker!
Have the choice to run modern when it's muddy and there are breakages likely and retro when it's dry and kinder to pads and rims!

Would like to race my Hei hei at set2rise and MM this year....all depends on weather though as I don't feel like trashing that bike

They stay in the shed gathering dust ;)
