NAILTRAIL96":bu0lm0gt said:Your bang on, everybody out after dusk should have lights on.
Especially when the county's full of drunk drivers.
But hi viz and insurance?
I'm not convinced on those. Hi-vis and insurance.
Hi-vis, I have to say that I am more inclined to get some if / when I start cycling in towns in low light as they make you far more visible and bike lights tend to get lost in the mass of street lights, shop fronts, LED advertising hoarding, cars etc. Compulsory? No, and my stance is the same on - whisper it - helmets (ie: I think they're a good idea, feel free not to wear one yourself).
Insurance is a tricky one. In the "where there's blame there's a claim" culture it's probably wise, but is it enforceable / should it be mandatory? I can't honestly say it should be