dismantle campagnolo nuovo record


Dirt Disciple
Hi can any body help me with advice on how to dismantle a 1960/70 Campagnolo Record rear derailleur, I have dismantle it all, but the problem is I cant work out how to remove the four rods that hold the parallelagram (sp?) together . I'm concerned about damaging the para. castings if I try to tap the rods out too heavily if in fact they are taped internally, but their is no evidence of a screw driver slot in ether end of the rods ? :(

This is the first time I've attempted to work on this vintage type Equipment and I believe the metal gets brittle over time.

From what I remember they are alloy rivets, no taper. We used to do the older ones with steel arms, they were on bronze bushes, I think the later ones are too. Have a look for a catalogue showing the parts list.
To tap the rivets out you need to gently file around the end of the rivet, then tap out gently with a flat end punch near the same size.

Can't imagine why you want to do this.

This is my second attempt at replying here but, being the old fart that I am, it seems I forgot to click the "submit" button :roll:

Bought the mech very cheap on ebay. When it arrived, I found that both parallelagram (sp?) components had become dished, and I thought - if I was able to dismantle them - I might be able to straighten them but I couldn´t drive out the securing pins, so - in hindsight - it´s probably not a good idea.

Thankyou all for your helpful comments...Now hoping I can reassemble it ! :oops:

PS: My el cheapo campag arrived without jockey wheels and the top bolt which attaches it to the frame-hanger. Could anyone please tell me what diameter and type of thread the attachment bolt should have ? My guess - if it´s English - is 3/8" x 24 TPI but would be most grateful for the correct info, please.

The hanger bolt thread will be M10 X 1 but you will need the bolt to have the correct dimensions to clamp the maech to the frame but allow it to swing freely. TBH you might be better off finding another mech with all the bits complete and keeping this one for spares.

Hi martin, you are probably correct,it might be better to find a mec. with all it's bits still on, The problem for me is, that even the old campo.stuff goes for very high prices :cry: and tugs a little to hard on the purse strings of my pension .

But I will take your advice and keep looking for one on ebay.

Thanks again for your input.
