Dirt Research Pecos


Dirt Disciple
Picked up this nos frame from a guy who bought 3 of them years ago and never built this one. Have the original fork also, though not pictured. Nothing exotic, but nice steel at a good price .... also I have a thing for interesting cable routes and this frame has some nice details.

After getting the frame, happened into a fella selling off tons of DR inventory. Couldn't resist the branded bits, especially the threadless stem with the cable noodle.

From there on I've not quite sorted the build. From what I can find, the original drivetrain was full LX, lots of branded bits and velociraptors.

I'm considering two options. I have a full 737 kit that is either new or near new. The only exception is the wheelset. I can't see putting that set on a new frame.

The other option would be a near new LX wheelset and a new LX shift/brake combo that would be matched to 737/9 mechs and I don't know what crankset. I also have a new WTB headset, grips and newer issue velociraptors set aside.

Here's a couple pics of the frame and DReseach bits ...... more pics as I start to sort it out.


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DR do love their cable guides and noodles don't they?! :LOL:

I see what you mean about "interesting" cable routes, some nice touches there.
The DR branded kit is a real bonus too, this should build up into a real nice bike :)
Nothing happens fast around here ...........

Was sorting through the cabinets, thinning the inventory on ebay, and pulled together what I think will be the build for the Pecos.

Being a new frame, I'm trying to keep with new/like new components. Started out in concept as a LX build with some XT upgrades. Turns out more like an XT build with a couple LX bits thrown in .......

I do have the XT shifters to match the drivetrain, but somehow that seems to leave the wheels out of place. I'll hang parts on the frame and see how it feels coming together and go from there .....


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Started to hang some components on ....... Decided to go with the XT/LX mixed kit and so far I do like the way it's going together.

Need a few little bits ....... grips, link wires and the prepped saddle, and I should be able to finish up shortly.

Wish I had a better camera or better photo skills :facepalm: I can't take a decent pic to save my life.

Here you go anyway ...............


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Getting close to tying things up here .........

Started to run cables and got some grips. The turbo is not meant for this build, but it will be a white saddle. I just fit the Turbo to test the concept before I re-cover the saddle that's going on .........

Plenty of other projects when I finish up here .........


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