Did Kona ever make...


Dirt Disciple
... a bike with a bent top-tube and GT style triple triangle?

Somebody at work has one and althought the frame doesn't look massively like a Kona the decals seem to match the spec. I'll see what people say before posting a pic!
they made some curved top tube cruisers, but i dont recall a triple triangle
jam1e":2x8jyoso said:
... a... GT style triple triangle?

I hope not :cool:
But I'm pretty much past caring these days.
I have the ones I like and the weird and woeful stuff Kona churns out every year now passes me by.

Pics would be interesting, though.
It's a hardtail in a bare alu type finish - I'll try a get a pic but don't fancy prowling around work with a camera looking for the bike!
GT actually made a triple triangle, curved top-tube crusiery-type thing called the Rapid Transit. It's in the 1997 catalog.