Dekerf 25 Anniversary (Calling all West Coast Canadians)


"The file is too big, maximum allowed size is 512 KiB."

Bloody frustrating. No, it's under 350K and it still wont load. And I'm to load them one at a time...that's 72 times? No thank!

Sorry Roy, I spent hours after dinner for you tonight loading/editing/converting/exporting from Lightroom and now RB wont take 'em. I'll instead send them via dropbox and you can sort it out. In the meantime Fb users can join the "22nd Spring National Cruiser Ride & 10th Annual Bicycle Show & Shine" event page and check out the photos and video there.

thanks for the pictures BC.
if anyone else has any pictures please post them.
as I said I didn't bring my camera so I have none at all. :facepalm:

I see in the readers bikes section that chickenball has already thrown down
the gauntlet for next year's show. i have to admit it was with a lot of luck
that my rek tek won this year. roc6839 came late and didn't bring his intended
entry. vintageman was a no show due to family obligations, his entry would
have been a killer (at least I think it would have been). and rismtb left early
and didn't leave his newly restored ritchey for judging. all this worked in my favour.

I too am already working on next year's entries. if it helps anyone decide on what or how to build,
next years showcase builder/s could be rocky mountain or because it will be the 30th anniversary
of both brodie bikes and mountain and beach (off road toad ) we might have us an anniversary party
theme. both have been done already but everyone likes a brodie and a toad. any thoughts on this?


  • ritchey rismtb.jpg
    ritchey rismtb.jpg
    183.9 KB · Views: 242