Dekerf 25 Anniversary (Calling all West Coast Canadians)


Picked up a few bits today,so the Toad can roll in ugly for some "before" pics,,,Think I will have a few other DeKerf items to bring along.

i'm slowly getting sorted out for to attend the show, which despite that postponement, is upon us like, NOW! only daze away and so much to think about. should be another good one and if anyone/everyone is able, they would do well to attend, with or without bikes(always better with, but just being there is almost as good!?). you will be glad you did! should be another stellar year of assorted bikes as well as PNW vintage mountain biker 'royalty'. where else are you gonna see both? ;O)

if you are at all a fan of chris dekerf's work you won't want to miss tomorrow.
was out helping set up today. chris has opened the vaults and dropped off
a couple from his personal collection you won't want to miss. :cool:
shaping up to be an awesome day. now all we need is the rest of you to show up. :LOL:

We're waiting...........


it was a great day. i believe a good time was had by all. we had a good turnout and
weather was perfect. couldn't have asked for better.
i want to thank everyone who came out in support. big thumbs up to
mrdryskull for hanging the whole day with us AND for bringing 5 bikes with him.
also to BC who brought 4 bikes. now that is what i call contributing. ;)
we had a pretty decent dekerf representation as well. although i didn't have to give away
as many beers as i brought.
i think chris appreciated our efforts and was pleased with what we had to show him.
it is now also official. my yellow rek tek is dekerf built.
you will have to wait for pictures. BC was event photographer. i didn't bring my camera.
you will have to wait for him to post pictures. but i see walleater posted a few teasers
on another site. check them out for now. i'm sure BC will post soon.
thanks again to everyone.


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Yes, thanks to everyone for organizing it. It was a flying visit for me, as we had to head to the 'burbs for an obligation but I had a great time.

I'm still not sure which was bike of the show for me. But as amazing as many of the mountain bikes were, the bike bike that made my eyes bulge out the most was a yellow BMX with a lightning strike down tube!!


And I'm not a big fan of red or yellow :facepalm:

Photo by Stone Lee stolen from Facebook :oops:

For reasons unknown, I decided to take my photos with my old GoPro so they are a mixed bag so didn't post them on here as I figured someone else would be doing a better job. But they are in Roys link above as mentioned.