Definitive guide please for removing stuck/rusted seatpost.

It looks like a steel frame to me, So if your not bothered about the paint get it nice and warm with some acetylene and it will fall out
couple of ways we used to do it in the shop heat and then throw cold water over it sometimes that works something to do with one of the metals cooling down quicker than the other if you get my drift .the other way turn the bike upside down and put the post in a vice and use the frame as a lever keep turning the frame and it might losen it.good luck/
jonnyboy666":23q2kl1n said:
the way i usuually do it at my shop is initially try all the usual penetrating fluids,the heavy duty ones like rost off ice(by wurth) etc, sometimes i remove the b/b to spray up the seatube, then after it is soaked it might move. but you have to wait for the fluids to penetrate, we spray then leave it for an hour then repeat a couple of times.

when that hasn't worked, the next step is more penetrating oils and bike upside down clamped by the seatpost in a vice and use the frame as leverage to turn and pull/push up and hopefully remove the post, this usually kills the post!

when that doesn't work we cut the post off at about 1 inch above the top of the frame and we have an electric saw that is like a carving knife that we stick down the inside of the remains of the post and we cut a couple of slots in the post at which point ususally things start to move but if they don't we try and clamp the post in on itself (that's why you leave some sticking out of the frame) and this helps get the post away from the steel tube of the frame and you can force an old screwdriver down between the seatube and the post to wedge them apart. time, patience and skill will eventually get it out. although remember to use a saw blade that will cut aluminium and not steel. this way should not damage the frame if you do it carefully.

you will need to ream the seatube after this then fit your new post with copaslip! :D

i charge £25 and the new post usually.

hope that helps

do people read all of the thread before they post? :D ;) de ja vu?

i only just clicked on the sheldon link though and lo and behold my way is like his!!! great minds, great man, shame he's gone :(

i know the old proper and correct ways because i've been schooled by some great mechanics myself!

some of the wives tales work though but others don't make any difference unless the post wasn't to badly seized in the first place.

question is though . . . . IS IT OUT?!!! :D

call it my need to know!! :D

fluffhead, any chance of some epo for me, need all the help i can get on the hills tomorrow!!!! :LOL:
jonnyboy666":2ss243oi said:
do people read all of the thread before they post? :D ;) de ja vu?

i only just clicked on the sheldon link though and lo and behold my way is like his!!! great minds, great man, shame he's gone :(

i know the old proper and correct ways because i've been schooled by some great mechanics myself!

some of the wives tales work though but others don't make any difference unless the post wasn't to badly seized in the first place.

question is though . . . . IS IT OUT?!!! :D

call it my need to know!! :D

fluffhead, any chance of some epo for me, need all the help i can get on the hills tomorrow!!!! :LOL:


I don't have the luxury of a blow torch, vices etc and i have very little patience with this kind of thing :twisted:

In the end i gave it plenty of penetrating oil, some time then attacked it with MOLE GRIPS. :oops: This is the result....


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sounds like a visit to a shop is in order then! phone a couple and ask for an overview of how they'd do it first, find someone who does it properly and not the bodge ways, seatposts are cheap, frames aren't! try and get them to say "we've never been beaten yet!", i haven't and that's what i always say to reassure customers.

good luck! :D

also, take the whole bike, they'll remove bits as they need to to get at it but it's easier to start with the bike in one piece. if it's just a frame they'll have to clamp it in a workstand and they won't beable pull on it as much!
I've been giving the seatpost my meanest look, going to get medieval on it later !!

Ill be in touch when it's out !