Dawes Orion dating?


Dirt Disciple
I just picked up a barnfind Dawes Orion. 12 speed shimano sis. Wiemann wheelset and stronglight 80 crank.
Im trying to date the bike as at first i thought late 70's but the cotterless strongbright 80 crank indexed shiters and serial number lead me to believe its later. The number is p45596 and i heard the last two digits are year if build. I hope not as this would mean it was made abroad and 'handbuilt' in the uk. I l9ve buyinh bikes that were made in my home town of Birmingham so BSA and Dawes are always highly prized however my budget is too low to afford a swanky galaxy as i like to buy very cheap and up cycle and the better bikes are usually sold thanks to the internet anybody can find a gem.
Anyway as this is my first dawes id love to know it was made in brum like me. Or as i suspect was it built in the east? (Nothing against eastern manufacturing some of it is awesome and some is crap. Just like birmingham industry lol )
Hi longjon, I've just acquired a Dawes Orion with 531 tubing myself and was wondering if you had gotten any further with your search for information? I hit a similar wall when looking for info about my early 90s CB Dalesman.