Dave Yates D.O.N.K.I.S.N.O.B


Dirt Disciple
Just dusted of my old faithful steed and thought i would share some pics. I am looking to sell, but will deal with that in another forum :eek:)

Let me know what you think.

Here it is way back in it's original colours


And now, stripped down, but still lovely








Thanks, had since new and resprayed by Dave to this colour (can't remember when though).

Couple of reason really, don't get anywhere near as much time to ride as i would like and having this sat round does not do it justice. Also, i would like to fund a new Yeti frame and selling stuff is the only way for me. You can prob see from one of the pics, i have some kit too.
Beautiful bike.

Remember the original paint scheme...

The white was a really deep kinda speckled affair.

Probably pearlescent I guess you'd describe it. Seemed to flow really nicely with the brazing. Very tasty.

Why did you respray - simply a bit scratched up, or did you no longer like it?

Presumably DY refused to re-decal it with DN which is why you've done your own in Bauhaus font...?

Yeah the white was lovely.

The only reason for re-spray was like you say, was starting to look very used, it had done many a season of Nationals and cross.
Dave, was more than happy to re-spary and re-decal and i remember that he actually remembered building the bike (not sure how, guess he just remembers his work and not many done). I do remember though that to re-spray with the 10 col paint scheme was VERY expensive and basically could not afford it, so i let him come up with this two col scheme, a little like the Klien's. As for the decals, i guess he just did not have the same font available.

Going to be a shame to see it go, but times move on. Glad i have found this site though, as i hope whoever has it off me will take care of it and re-build it back to it's former glory !
That original paint is stunning . . . not quite so in the new scheme but still a corker!!... :cool:
I love both paint jobs on this, the original is lush, but the new one is very nice 2.

As for the graphics, I kinda agree I would change the D K bit in font style but it looks so fresh and clean like a new bike, shows what a respray can do.

Loving this
