Dave Lloyd Fans

You won't know me, but I was one of the photographers who used to photograph Dave's bikes - from a studio in Neston, Wirral. Dave's workshop was on the same estate.

Some great info there.. Is there a slight chance you still have the pics that could be uploaded here?

ringo":33a2nv6m said:
You won't know me, but I was one of the photographers who used to photograph Dave's bikes - from a studio in Neston, Wirral. Dave's workshop was on the same estate.

Some great info there.. Is there a slight chance you still have the pics that could be uploaded here?


Alas, they're with the studio still (I left to be come self-employed) but will ask the question...
hazeyblue":3n0qbjvs said:
ringo":3n0qbjvs said:
You won't know me, but I was one of the photographers who used to photograph Dave's bikes - from a studio in Neston, Wirral. Dave's workshop was on the same estate.

Some great info there.. Is there a slight chance you still have the pics that could be uploaded here?


Alas, they're with the studio still (I left to be come self-employed) but will ask the question...

Echoing Ringos sentiment, any early photographs of paint work would be truly invaluable to the site and a great help to many of us.

Thanks for Posting... :cool:
My serial is LL951012.

Just looked at mine and it's LL94894...

I'd never make a codebreaker... but if we assume the 9* is the year... could the last three/four digits be the sequential frame number...

Using Ivetos and mines numbers is it possible Dave could have crafted at least 118 frames between 01/01/94 and the 31/12/95? Suppose it's only an average of one per week...
HI Guys,

First of all let me just say big THANK YOU for the kind words.

I never knew that the bikes I painted had made any "fans", I always knew that Dave was being recognised for his frame building.

I am willing to renovate any of my old paint works, you will have to ship the Frame to Canada.

Some of you might not beware that when I left Dave Lloyd I started Phoenix Cycles. There are a few old Phoenix Bikes out there but they will be very hard to find.

Because I discovered Retrobike and and you guys, I am going to making bikes again, I have just secured a frame builder (Last night) and we will be producing frames by march and will by taking orders by late March. Some of the first bikes will be fully custom frames untill I have not start making SemiCustom Bike.

Even though I cant use any design I used with Dave without his permission, I have new design, designs that not have been seen before.

I Dont mind asking any question, message me rather then reply on here.

I have one frame from back in the day, it'll be framed and mounted in my office.

I remember taking bikes to the photographer, I was always really impressed how you made the bikes look so good.

Giovanni you asked if I have any momentos...the only thing I have from my Dave Lloyd days is a half inch scar on my hand from when I slipped with a scraper taking decals of an old frame.
I am willing to renovate any of my old paint works, you will have to ship the Frame to Canada.

Wow, when I find my unicorn - it's having a trip across the Atlantic! :D :D

Great of you to post up here... you wouldn't know how much joy these frames have brought to their owners... and some of the appeal (for me) lies in some of those exquisite paint jobs. Kudos!
Really enjoying reading this post, I would like to add to it if I may, here is my Dave Lloyd Beez Neez bought in the early 90's from my LBS in Southwell, Nottingham I loved this bike on first site the smoothness of welds and paint job were incredible!

Unfortunately no longer in the original colours some over enthusiastic mountain biking resulted in a trip back to DL for a repair and new paint job. I wonder how much shipping a bike to and from Canada costs?

She needs a good clean up and apologies about the saddle (def not mine)


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I've been asked few times if I still paint bikes. I hope this answers your questions.

I started up my old business again "PHOENIX" all because of you guys.

This is my 1st retail frame, full carbon frame.

Hope you like and see that I gave it a retro bike touch



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