Da funk is this...

They say an early bird catches the worm and I guess at about the same time of day mickeyspinn's workshop doesn't reach nuclear reactor meltdown temps ..... So made a bit of progress whilst the grey cells functioned!

A little adjuster for the gear shifter.....think I'll be losing the adjustment at the toggle chain end 😁
Doesn't get any lighter....scales don't even register it 😆

Then.....as the success of making that bit and the morning double double expresso was kicking in
it was time for the real finicky bit.....the bit where it could all go wrong...make or break....hero or zero.....winner or whiner!

First up make the nylon bushes....they make the body have stiction without friction....I'm sure you understand 😆

So a little platter of nibbles....


So let's have a crack at it! ...cut the socket seat for the ball to land in....


And as if by magic the socket for the sprng and ball to nestle in on the other bit is in exactly the right place...so let's push the nylon bearings in and see how the click feels!


And it feels.......oh so good.. 🤩

Now....do I get flash and put two more clicks in?
The masochist in me wants to try!
Or do I get sensible and just make it have two stops..a peg in an arc affair....like a finger in a slot! 😆
I'll see how the mood takes me in the morning!

Well folks and folkettes....it's so close...✌️
Close by 1.38m of outer cabling ...😆
Could of sworn I had a bit long enough!

Doh 😊


So shifter and mount all finished.....for now 😁
Going to make the main pivot bolt out of aluminium.....if I'm jammy it'll drop its weight below 50 grams......🤩
Plus....I might be able to lose one of the arms!
Remaking the main barrel and increasing the diameter a sniff has resulted in less throw more cable pull so it might not be needed.....if not were definitely sub 50 grams ......get in 👍

So tomorrow.....I wrap it....
And the new bolt... well a screw ...has nipped off 6 grams of fat...👍

Love having new kit....end up finding new techniques to replace old habits.....always used to cut a slot for a screw head with a hacksaw....not now ! Now I'll just be punching it through 💪


One more little thing to make...😊
A little embellishment and extra laybrinyth seal on the rear axle....and then it's take it all to bits for the final polish...😁
I think this is the final bit....!!!!!
Really want to make a nice whizzy whizzy dizzy wheel for the tensioner....but ....I think my kit won't be upto the job....shame....🙄

So mister specialized hub.....not so flipping specialized now are you! 😁


A bit of boring and turning and a little shining thing is ready to do its thing....which ain't much other than to look pretty 😊


Best leggit to the lbs and get me some outer cable....then buff it....buff it real good...buff it so clean you wouldn't recognise it ✌️
it’s gone very quiet here…. what happened to all that buffage….?!
Sssshhhh..... you'll awake the wee beast.....then it'll get all needy and want me to do stuff for it 😆
I have a bench lined up with a lot of stuff to buff and all the parts for this bike....🙄....it'll happen and soon... currently caught up giving my lathe some attention, tweaks and much needed repairs! When that's done game on again 👍

It's been awhile eh....


I picked these up this morning and actually had to scratch my head 🙄...so I put em down made coffee then figured out what they do and how they fit !

Let's get it done then....whilst summers still here 🤨