Cyclist and the demise of brotherhood/friendship.


Not sure French riders would have done the same.

A bit off topic, but your post reminded me of it... I took my '70s road bike over to Brittany some time in the early 2000s. I locked it up in the market square of some town while I did some shopping. When I came back there was a middle-aged bloke leaning over it, examining it. I assumed he was French and that my French wasn't going to be good enough to have a meaningful conversation, but also, it was so apparent that my bike had sort of transfixed him and vibed him back thirty years, that I didn't want to break the spell. We had some brief eye contact when I walked up, silently took the D-lock off, put the front wheel back in and went on my way.

It's nice when that happens... I hope he's OK..

..alternatively, he might have just been thinking along the lines of: "Why has this buffoon locked a thirty year old bike to the information board in the market square? Is it conceptual art? Is it a protest? :)
Went on my first non Retrobike organised ride a couple of weekends ago.

The Falling Leaves ride up Oakamoor near Leek, I did the short route with another RB member

What a miserable bunch of fuckers! I thought Northerners were supposed to be a jolly bunch? Jeeze, surly grumpy arsed whiny skinsuited turds!
Make an effort to say hello to each and every cyclist and we can get it back!

(Not ebikes obvz- that's not cycling)

If the definition of being from the north is a funny accent then to me every one is from the north. Thankfully being from Scotland the north in the context you guys mean iss still the south.
As for a loss pf cycle tribalism, no, those who chat, chat, those who dont, dont, it has always been thus.

Only French people live south of me, so you're all Northerners. By 'eck tha nos, flat caps, whippets, pigeon fanciers, deep fried food and no fruit, stereotypes and what have you :p

Having recently moved north.

It’s all true.

Watching grown men calling their pigeons home was an interesting experience. Skinningrove has a thriving club.
Re: Re:

xerxes":1rdur5xk said:
Only French people live south of me, so you're all Northerners. By 'eck tha nos, flat caps, whippets, pigeon fanciers, deep fried food and no fruit, stereotypes and what have you :p

Kent? That's the midlands for me.

Way down here in the south, everyone says Hi...

...Possibly moments before the harshly judge your lifestyle choices, but they say 'Hi' nonetheless.

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