Cycle at Coventry Transport Museum.


Devout Dirtbag
Paid a visit to the excellent Coventry Transport Museum recently. In the entrance hall there was a display of various items including this bike. Unfortunately I can't remember what it is but am I right in thinking that the forks are on back to front? There was a photo of the bike in use many years ago and the forks were definitely facing the other way.

I can't believe I would be the only person to notice this so I find it a bit odd really as you'd think they would know what they were doing.



  • Bike at Cov2.JPG
    Bike at Cov2.JPG
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Not necessarily, certain track bikes have their forks like that.

Then again, so do BSOs built up by ASDA's advertising company :)
Judging by that massive chainring it's a Stayer bike used for pacing behind behind a motorbike. The forks are usually that way round on those bikes.

Yes , it's a vintage stayer track bike and the forks are intentionally reversed , unlike the bike on the recent Tesco's BSO TV adverts :eek:
Okay, Thanks. I was a bit puzzled by it and couldn't imagine how they would get it wrong.

I remember Asda being a bit red faced a couple of years back when they advertised bikes with the forks the wrong way round. They had to pull the ad's pretty rapidly if I remember right.

if you want a big chainring check this picture out!


im guessing it is for a high speed attempt, using the motorbike to draft so to make it easier to get up to speed.