Cutting a carbon seatpost


Senior Retro Guru
Not retro related but just wondered if anyone had any experience cutting carbon fibre seat posts?I found a TT bike for my sister but it has an extremely long aero seat post and it hits the wheel cut out in the seatpost before it can go low enough, I was going to cut an inch off the bottom anything I need to know?I was going to mark it tape and use the seat clamp as a guide.
just make sure u support the part your cutting off on the last few cuts so as not to splinter and pull carrbon strands when that last bit drops, and a nice sharp hacksaw blade
Dremmel with a fine diamond disk and keep your fingers out of the way....... Buy a shorter one ?

Having cut many, many carbon fibre tubes it's an easy job - wrap tape around the cutting point, new saw blade, steerer cutting guide is ideal and don't inhale the dust. Finish off with fine file or emery paper. Apart from cutting at the wrong point, little to go wrong.
Thankyou for the advice, I have a really good dust mask at work and a dremmel so i'll use that. It's on my sisters giant alliance TT bike and the seat tube is really long. I'll have a go on monday and let you know how it goes. Thanks again for all the advice.