Cute Rocky Mountain in Bath

Just been looking at that, too far to pick up and postage more than the bike probably.
Also I cannot ride it as it's too small, but be a great little tidy up.

This was Rocky Mountains entry level runabout model, Still it used triple butted tubes.

A few things to note about this bike. Rocky M made 7 frame sizes, two where the same frame size, but with shorter to tubes. The 15 and 17-STT had different frame angles to the rest, I assume these where Lady targeted bikes sizes. - steeper seat at 74 (not 72.5), and the 15" also had a 69 head (not 70.5)
They upgraded the RF shifter to the DX model and fitted them to the LX brake lever, so they didn't use the big padel LX models. And unlike Kona who used cheaper models where you couldn't see, they actually fitted DX BB's, rather than LX/Exage or another cheap brand.

The bike is mostly as is, including straps, seat and grips still look original.
The tyres are not, find some Ritchey Mod Quads

Everyone needs a U-brake rear bike and I don't have one.
I’m going to Bath Tuesday and Wednesday this week if anyone wants to buy it and needs me to collect and help re onwards post.