Custom paint and cycle cleaning


I paid the money into a business account and it was posted with the same name as he is using for his business dealings. I already had this argument with you regarding blurring the lines between personal/professional with your online presence.

I agree that we did finally come to an agreement but this was after threats of legal action. I re-read the PM's before making the post to make sure it was fair as it happened a few months ago. With the way he acted if on behalf of the business or not makes him a man I hope I never have to deal with again.

If a thread about a company can contain blatant adverts why can't it contain criticism?

EDIT: James, If you think the way you acted was fine can I post some PM responses I received??
Re: No Quarter Bikes


I did give you multiple options to pay but that's the one you chose. I know the courier we use very well so I used my business name for the courier as it makes it easier for the courier to understand. We are not a large business that has many accounts for banks or couriers. I purchased the trike off the original owner and sold it to you to fund a personal project.

We came to an agreement that you and I were happy with. It's obvious you're still not happy about it all, but you're unhappy with me, not my business. Tarnishing my business isn't fair, there's 3 of us who are passionate about cycling and paint-work and we run the business well.

It's no secret the bike was damaged in transit, you were unhappy and I was unhappy. I asked how you wanted the situation to be resolved and you were happy, at least I though. Posting our pm's will be proof that this is just a personal attack and hopefully those viewing will see this.

I've pm'd you my personal mobile number so we can have a chat about this, alternatively I can travel to meet you in person for a beer, you can see how serious I am about this and how much passion I have for my business, you'll see that I'm not a snarling beast.


I will post some of our Pm's tomorrow, I spend my evenings with my wife and Son.

If you really want to come down for a chat, you are more than welcome and I'll even put you up on my sofa.

You and your business are not separate, how you conducted yourself was not acceptable. You are still the same person people have to deal with through noquarterbikes@gmail.

Re: No Quarter Bikes

Here's a little something we've been up to this week! Lovely Hetchins frame.

Due to how light the blasting is, we sometimes have to do a little extra by hand. The owner of this frame wanted to keep the head-badge on (the rivets are only original once!) so we carefully masked the badge up, the surrounding area will be sanded by hand before primer.




Re: No Quarter Bikes

It depends on how bad the frame it, we always like to use something that will leave a very small amount of the paint on (like the one above) so we can get the real tough stuff off by hand instead of letting the whole frame suffer.

On this particular frame we used a very fine plastic bead (you can still see some of it in the bottom-bracket)

Re: Re:

fossala":2te7zi53 said:
I will post some of our Pm's tomorrow, I spend my evenings with my wife and Son.

If you really want to come down for a chat, you are more than welcome and I'll even put you up on my sofa.

You and your business are not separate, how you conducted yourself was not acceptable. You are still the same person people have to deal with through noquarterbikes@gmail.


"I didn't cock up as my company, I cocked up as a private citizen. Totally different".

"I'll have you know I'm not married to superman, I'm married to clark kent"

Who even thinks that'd wash
Re: No Quarter Bikes

I'd firstly like to apologise for the mess in the photographs, we have a clean workshop but this area where we sand, flat, polish and prep frames gets a lot of action! We clean it on a weekly basis.

Hetchins restoration nearly finished, small amount of paint-work to be finished before we can lacquer and pin-stripe.





This frame has been flattened and decals applied. Ready for lacquer!


