Custom head badges


Old School Hero
Hello 👋

Do people have any recommendations for UK custom bicycle head badge makers ? I'm creating a personal build with it's own bicycle make/logis etc. Has anyone used any custom badge makers ??

I'll just be looking to create a vintage looking head badge with my own artwork

Thanks 👍
UK no, but I’ve used Jen Green in the US, she’s amazing. This is the one she did for my other half’s bike. It’s her cat:


Now that it’s weathered in, the colours now all match the cat’s colours perfectly
Those are awesome, a lot of talent and work involved! Mine never looked that cool.
I'm tempted to have a go at this myself
get some blanks of amazon, then some DIY electrolysis etching with salty water or bicarb :)

I mean - doesn't look that hard?

I'm tempted to have a go at this myself
get some blanks of amazon, then some DIY electrolysis etching with salty water or bicarb :)

I mean - doesn't look that hard?

It's not hard but like everything takes time to get some good results yet alone awesome ones.
There are many little things that can have a negative impact on the result.
I would definitely start with aluminium and simple motifs.
Once you have optimised all the parameters, you can really get started.
Custom badges are a really nice touch on every bike.
I know they are not UK based, but depending on what you want and your budget, try velocolour in Toronto.

I'd also suggest trying a local small scale jeweler, they may be up for the task.

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