So I was given this as a present to keep me busy, but my brother from another mother didn't realise how much this was gonna need in parts
Broken seat.
Stuck Alu flute seat post.
surface rust.
Wheels they are really heavy and needs new tyres.
Grips gone hard.
Forks aftermarket but in correct period.
Crank aftermarket.
I hate bear traps still have scars
No brakes of any descriptions
All I know its serial is Nottingham October 1983.
This was a 80's fluted trendy weight saving cost effective seat post.
I never ever stick Aluminuim into a steel post for this reason! Two days on and off WD 40 and anti sieze fluid would it budge Not a chance in hell.
I think the Aeroseat which was worth loads of money on Fleabay had previously been snapped into two places as someone tried to remove the post
In the end I got pissy with it, out came the Rothernburg on light flame setting, so not to damage the chrome (Expand the orafice of seat frame) and some compressed air upside down to freeze the Alu (compress the diameter of post) and it finally cracked, soon as I heard this, the wrench came out and twist out it came out!
I'm not sure if I can save the flute.....? sanding it back for what so I can charge a kings ransom for the next hell!
Those other scars are from various peoples attempting to remove this I guess.
Started to strip all components down to see what I'm playing with.
Headset needs replacing
chainring needs replacing
chain looks new.
BB all OK cranks are definitely aftermarket but in good shape.
lots of cleaning not sure about wheels how much do I want to spend? looking like Mag wheels could work.
Look what I have prepared above some Dia Compe MX1000 in Dark blue yes DARK blue, not pansy blue which uk only sell.
Different style more Freestyler I'm heading towards